
Thursday, November 29, 2018

6th ELA: Research one of the people influenced by Napoleon Hill and fill out the graphic organizer
7th ELA: Read the next two pages (pg.3-4) of "The Devil and Daniel Webster"
8th ELA: Read the next two pages (pg.21-22) of "The Ransom of Red Chief"
6th-8th Music: Reading music in different clefs worksheet- due next Wednesday
K-5th Music: Keep practicing Christmas music!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

6th ELA: Summary Writing for TWG- remember to only include major events and to check your papers for proper grammar: capitalization, end punctuation, spelling, etc.
7th ELA:
8th ELA:
6th-8th Music: Christmas Program Prep
K-5th Music: Christmas Program Prep
Other: Please continue practicing all of your Christmas music!

Monday, November 26, 2018

6th ELA: The Westing Game if you haven't done so already
7th ELA: Complete the "Setting the Stage" and "Vocabulary" pages for "The Devil and Daniel Webster
8th ELA: Complete the "Setting the Stage" and "Vocabulary" pages for "The Ransom of Red Chief"
6th-8th Music:
K-5th Music: Practice your Christmas Program songs!
Other: Welcome back! Please continue practicing your songs for the Christmas Program :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

6th ELA: Continue editing and typing your papers. Two grammar packets due 11/14.
7th ELA: Continue editing your papers.
8th ELA: Continue editing your papers.
6th-8th Music: Work on your composition and take the music theory quiz on Google Classroom
K-5th Music: Keep working on that Christmas music!

Friday, November 2, 2018

6th ELA: Grammar packets: verbs, 1 full page of writing for narrative draft
7th ELA: 
8th ELA:
6th-8th Music: Rhythm packet
K-5th Music:
Other: Happy Reformation Week! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.