
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Christian Studies:
     In Class:
- Finished lesson 4, started lesson 5
     For Homework:
- Psalm 23:4-5 written on Friday (verses 1-3 from last week are extra credit)
6th Math:
     In Class:
- Are You Ready? Module 1, learned how to do quiz corrections
     For Homework:
- Quiz corrections due tomorrow
- pg 4 #1-18
7th Math:
     In Class:
- Module 4 Review
     For Homework:
- pg 162 #9-25 (do work for 17-25)
8th Math:
     In Class:
- Lutherhaven
     For Homework:
- None :)
     - None :)
- Typing Club (10 min/week)
Rotation- Intro to Middle School:
     In Class:
- Google Docs practice "Keyboard Shortcut Keys"
     For Homework:
- Google Docs Practice- on Google Classroom due 9/25
- Fall Fest Quickstart is on Friday 9/20

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